Wushu is the traditional Chinese martial art. It is often confused with Kung Fu.  Kung Fu, directly translated “Kung” means “skill” and “fu” means “time”.  In English, this means “a skill acquired over a period of time”.  Whereas, Wushu means “martial arts” that involves bare hand forms (taolu), practice sparring (sanda), and weapon practice (long, short, & flexible weapons).  In Chinese, “Wu” means “martial” and “shu” means “arts”. Wushu has gained popularity through Hollywood actors like Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen.

Key benefits

Improves your strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, breathing, methodology, self-defense, discipline and poise in stress-inducing situations. In addition, the options and variety of Wushu allow more personal expression and delving into the inner character.